SwissGPT 1 month free of charge for Swiss municipalities (promotion ended)
Artificial intelligence and smart GPT assistants are becoming increasingly important. They give many municipalities a competitive advantage. This applies both to interaction with citizens and to presenting themselves as an attractive and innovative employer.
Data protection remains important. As more and more AI start-ups from America data security at Swiss authorities is increasingly under threat.
We at AlpineAI would like to help municipalities get started with GPT- Assistants as Simple and safe as possible and have therefore developed SwissGPT. SwissGPT is used in Swiss data centers and enables the secure use of artificial intelligence.Â
To make it as easy as possible for you to get started with SwissGPT, you can Register now (until 16.03.2024) for the free test phase register within one month.
Please fill out the following form. You will then receive an e-mail to activate your personal SwissGPT account.
If the message does not appear in your mailbox, please check your spam folder.
*The test phase ends automatically after 1 month and will not be continued without a written contract.
Don't miss the video message from Pascal Kaufmann
If you have any further questions, you can contact Sophie Hundertmark at any time by e-mail at report.