SwissGPT Health

Safe. Swiss. Trustworthy.

By doctors for doctors

Your personal language model for working with sensitive data


AlpineAI Listener - Your personal assistant

With the AlpineAI Listener, patient conversations can be recorded, automatically summarized and, thanks to the connection to SwissGPT, translated, processed and downloaded.


The essence of your conversation - in a nutshell

Thanks to intelligent AI technology, conversation content is automatically transcribed and reduced to the essentials. Important points are highlighted and summarized in a structured way.


Log easily, anywhere and with any device

The AlpineAI Listener is a versatile web app that can be used with a smartphone, special microphones or hearing aids.


Tasks are assigned simply and clearly

Discussed tasks are assigned to the responsible persons and clearly displayed in the summary. The tasks are accessible in SwissGPT for the person who started the listener.


From the summary to further processing - in one click

Summaries and raw data can be easily accessed via an intuitive interface. Thanks to the connection to SwissGPT, the texts can be further processed, for example for translations or enrichment with additional data.

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Your Advantages at a glance

Better care for patients

SwissGPT can help you provide a better service for your patients and use your team's resources more efficiently. By creating patient profiles and supporting communication, SwissGPT helps to improve patient engagement.

Reduced administrative effort

Use SwissGPT for routine tasks such as creating reports, applications or emails and significantly reduce your administrative workload. With SwissGPT, you can concentrate on what really counts - time for your patients.

Improved communication

SwissGPT can help create marketing materials that are tailored to you. SwissGPT can also help create content that is relevant and easy to understand for your patients.

Data protection compliant

With SwissGPT, you always retain control over your patient data. AlpineAI meets the highest data protection standards and is GDPR and DSGVO compliant. As the person responsible for all data entered, you decide whether and with whom you share this data. Data is never passed on or sold to third parties. Trust SwissGPT - your data, your decisions.


Revolution in the therapy room: how AI, generative AI and SwissGPT are shaping the future of psychotherapy and psychiatry

Psychotherapy and psychiatry face the challenge of providing effective treatment to a growing number of patients while resources are scarce. The industry is struggling with a shortage of qualified staff, resulting in long waiting times for patients and highlighting the urgency of finding a solution to this challenge1.

Between 2002 and 2020, the number of people seeking medical treatment for a mental health problem rose from 4.5% to 7.8% of the population aged 15 and over2, indicating the growing importance of mental health care. This has also been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially Generative AI, and specialized technologies such as SwissGPT, offer enormous potential to support, complement and improve psychotherapy and psychiatry. In this blog post, we will explore the potential of AI for psychotherapists and psychiatrists, underpinned with concrete use cases, to give an outlook on the future of mental health care.

Optimized diagnoses, early detection and personalized therapy

By analyzing large volumes of patient data, artificial intelligence (AI) can recognize patterns that often remain hidden to the human eye. This ability not only enables more precise diagnoses, but also a deeper understanding of the interplay between different diseases, especially comorbidities. The electroencephalogram (EEG), for example, is used today in the diagnosis of depression as a non-invasive, portable and cost-effective method. Combined with AI methods such as an artificial neural network, scientists have been able to show that depressed patients can be distinguished from healthy individuals with an accuracy of 90%3,4.

A key benefit of AI is the development of accurate screening tools and risk models that can contribute to the early detection of mental illness. By collecting and analyzing extensive data, AI enables more objective and consistent diagnoses, which can lead to improved treatment outcomes. Psychiatrists and psychotherapists can use AI-supported diagnostic tools in a targeted manner to comprehensively assess the symptoms of patients with complex mental illnesses. The AI system provides differentiated diagnostic suggestions and can make personalized treatment recommendations based on the data collected, including genetic markers and environmental factors.

Early warning system for the soul: AI-supported sentiment analysis in psychiatry

The AlpineAI Listerner in combination with SwissGPT is an AI technology tailored to the Swiss linguistic and cultural landscape that complies with data protection and the highest safety standards. The technology can be used in therapy to support patients in their native language, recognize emotional states and suggest targeted conversation strategies. A psychiatrist in a multicultural practice in Switzerland can use SwissGPT to counsel patients who speak German, French, Italian, Romansh or another language in their preferred language. The technology helps to take into account and understand culturally sensitive aspects in therapy and thus promotes a deeper understanding between therapist and patient.

With the help of AlpineAI Listener, psychiatrists and psychotherapists can, for example, create a comprehensive sentiment analysis directly from audio files of patient conversations. The voice is analyzed in real time for emotional parameters such as pitch, speaking tempo and volume in order to identify and assess a patient's current mood and identify potential risks such as suicidal tendencies at an early stage5,6. This allows optimal, targeted interventions or prevention measures to be derived. The audio files are transcribed directly, summarized, evaluated and then made available in SwissGPT for further processing.

Personalized therapy plans through generative AI

Generative AI can use patient profiles, treatment goals and progress data to create personalized treatment plans that are constantly adapted to the patient's changing needs. For example, a psychotherapist could use a Generative AI tool such as SwissGPT to generate an individualized treatment plan for a patient with anxiety disorders. The system suggests weekly goals, specific exposure techniques and resources needed based on the patient's progress and feedback data.


The integration of AI, Generative AI and specialized technologies such as the AlpineAI listerner in combination with SwissGPT in psychotherapy and psychiatry promises to revolutionize the care of mental health needs. By assisting with diagnoses, providing voice-based therapy support, and creating personalized treatment plans, therapists and doctors can treat their patients more effectively. While these technologies have the potential to shape the future of mental health care, it is crucial to consider ethical considerations, patient privacy and the human element in therapy.


  3. Saeedi A., et al. Major depressive disorder diagnosis based on effective connectivity in EEG signals: a convolutional neural network and long short-term memory approach. Neurodyn. 2021;15(2):239-252.
  4. Ray A., Artificial Intelligence in Psychiatry: A Systematic Review, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2020.
  5. Olawade B., D., et al. Enhancing mental health with Artificial Intelligence: Current trends and future prospects, Journal of Medicine, Surgery, and Public Health, Volume 3, August 2024, 100099.
  6. Flanagan O. Using acoustic speech patterns from smartphones to investigate mood disorders: scoping review, JMIR mHealth uHealth, 9 (9) (2021), Article e24352, 10.2196/24352

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Andrea Luca </br>Schärer

Andrea Luca

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Dr. Daniela </br>Suter

Dr. Daniela

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Abbiegale Caongca </br>Caongca

Abbiegale Caongca


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Questions and Answers

What requirements do I need for SwissGPT?
Technological requirements
  • HardwareComputer, laptop, tablet or smartphone with internet connection.
  • SoftwareCurrent web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Bing...).
Organizational requirements
  • User accountRegistration with AlpineAI AG and monthly or annual license.
  • ObjectiveClear usage scenarios (e.g. patient support, text generation).
Legal requirements
  • Data protectionCompliance with data protection laws.
  • Terms of useAcceptance of the AlpineAI AG Terms of Use.
What subscription options are available?
Standard subscription 

Monthly billing, without listener.

Premium subscription

Annual billing, incl. listener, 20% discount.

Is SwissGPT only available in Switzerland?

SwissGPT can be purchased and used anywhere in the world.

How does SwissGPT differ from ChatGPT?

SwissGPT guarantees the highest safety standards. The technology has been specially tailored to the needs of doctors. Your data is hosted and processed in Switzerland. Additional data can also be entered via file upload (autorag). This allows you to create a language model tailored to your needs. 

Can I also host SwissGPT myself?

This is possible on request and at an extra charge, provided you make the necessary infrastructure available.

Do you also offer training for SwissGPT?

We offer an e-learning platform and monthly webcasts for training purposes. 

Are there team licenses for SwissGPT?

We offer package prices for team licenses for 10 or more people. Please contact us via

Who is responsible for SwissGPT?

SwissGPT is administered by the company AlpineAI AG, which is based in Switzerland. Further information can be found at:

Can I also use SwissGPT via mobile?

Yes, you can use SwissGPT via your browser on your cell phone, an app is being planned.

Which language model does SwissGPT use?

SwissGPT is based on Llama 3.3 70B, which has been specially tailored to the needs of doctors.

In which languages can I use SwissGPT?

SwissGPT can be used in all Swiss national languages and in English.

Do I have to inform my patients if I use SwissGPT?

If your patients have agreed to your privacy policy and have consented to the transfer of data to third parties, no information needs to be provided. Upon request, you should list AlpineAI AG as a third-party provider.

How is SwissGPT legally protected?

The processing of your patients' personal data is secured by legally compliant contracts (including a data protection compliance agreement) in accordance with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) and other applicable data protection laws.

How can I cancel SwissGPT?

The monthly license can be terminated by either party at the end of each month. If no notice of termination is given, the license is automatically extended by one month. The annual license can be terminated by either party at the end of the contract year. If no notice of termination is given, the license is extended for a further year.

Cancellation by e-mail to:

Which file formats does SwissGPT/Listener support?

SwissGPT currently supports the file formats PDF, DOC/DOCX and ODT.

The Listener supports all common files such as WAV, Mp3, mp4, Vob etc. plus microphone.

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