Swiss Made. Rock solid.
With a human touch.
SwissGPT from AlpineAI:
Safe and innovative
AlpineAI offers the Platform for system-critical Sectors in Switzerland and Europe, where Trust, Compliance, Security and Efficiency highest Priority have:Â Administration, Healthcare and Industry.
AlpineAI acts as an innovation catalyst and shield for AI transformation.
Compliant with CH & EU data protection and highest security standards.
Highly scalable for rapidly growing customer requirements.
Your advantages with SwissGPT
Swiss legislation
SwissGPT manages all information in its own Swiss data centers or directly at the customer's premises. AlpineAI is domiciled in Davos and is subject to Swiss legislation. Swiss data protection is regularly reviewed and verified by data protection officers (DPOs).
High performance, scalability and reliability are ensured by state-of-the-art hardware. The AlpineAI data centers are located in the Zurich region and in the Swiss Alps, each in highly redundant, environmentally controlled facilities with multiple layers of physical and digital security to ensure the highest level of protection for all data.
SwissGPT provides informative insights into the company-wide use of digital assistants. These analyses enable companies to understand usage patterns that provide essential information for strategic decisions and process optimization.
Integration into existing systems takes place via versatile APIs and enables seamless integration into various IT environments. SwissGPT and a dedicated AI layer can be easily integrated into existing infrastructure.
SwissGPT will be seamlessly connected to the language model that best meets the needs of customers. If a more advanced model becomes available tomorrow, there will be a smooth transition to this technology. In this way, AlpineAI guarantees the highest quality and independence from individual companies, governments or other institutions.
The AlpineAI AI Shield offers a high degree of customization and flexibility. From the choice of language model to the definition of custom databases and their design, parameters can be customized to ensure that specific needs are fully covered.
Uber AlpineAI
AlpineAI was founded in August 2023 by the leading experts, researchers and AI entrepreneur in Switzerland. ​
The goal of AlpineAI is to Swiss and European AIDefending sovereignty. AlpineAI becomes used where trust and the Data and technology security particularly critical are: In authorities, in the Healthcare and in the high-tech Industry. ​
On AlpineAI today trust the important cities, authorities, hospitals and Research institutions in Switzerland and Europe.

Image: Merger of the Swiss AIScene on August 21, 2023. Representatives of the ZHAW Center for AI, the ETH AI Centersof the HSLU KI Centerthe University of Zurich and more leading AI Centers have itself with the Foundation from AlpineAI merged.
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Marcel Trüb
CEO Regional IT Center (RIZ) AG
"SwissGPT, which is operated in highly secure Swiss data centers, analyses the requests entered in real time and continuously anonymizes the data declared as sensitive. With SwissGPT, customers and their users receive the added value of using the latest AI technologies and the security of knowing that no sensitive data leaves Switzerland."

Henry Goldmann
Senior speed coach and AI user from the very beginning
"SwissGPT from AlpineAI convinces me throughout because it offers Swiss-based data security for all AI applications of companies, public administrations, health and educational institutions. This is crucial for those responsible and managers there to safeguard against the known risks (data export to the USA; social media bashing, etc.)."